15-year-old Chiuchiya (played by Erika Sawajiri) was born into an ordinary and happy family. Although the daily life of the six-member family is plain, it is very happy. Chiuchiya, who has been a good student since childhood, was admitted to her desired high school. She thought that a brilliant and happy life was waiting for her, but she was diagnosed with an incurable disease - spinocerebellar ataxia. Gradually, Chiuchiya's physical functions began to be uncontrollable. She couldn't maintain balance while walking, often fell, and couldn't even write properly. Looking at herself being so useless, Chiuchiya cried again and again. When she tearfully asked the doctor, "Why did the disease choose me?" it made all the audience burst into tears. With the support of her family and her crush, Haruto Asou (played by Ryo Kase), Chiuchiya is determined to live each day with no regrets and not leave any regrets in her youth.